10 Best Charitable Ways to Help People

10 Best Charitable Ways to Help People

This post highlights the best charitable ways to help people. Has this ever happened to you? When you help people, you feel a satisfactory spark in your mind. You feel achieved. You feel like you are making more impact in the world.

But, while some people help others for some kind of return, there are some people who always indulge in charity. Ponder on which one you are.

Below are the 10 best charitable ways to help people:

1. Advice them

In some cases, the best way to help someone is by giving them a sincere piece of advice.

Are they in a sort of insolvable problem, and you have an experience or two, more than them? Calmly listen to whatever they have to say, and, advise them.

2. Spare time for others

You might think this isn’t a way to help until you start trying it out.

Although everyone is almost always busy, people appreciate it most when someone stops by and spares them a moment of their time.

When you walk past a couple of your neighbours, you should spare them your time. Even when they aren’t in need of your help, whenever you spare people your time, you’ll make them happy and give them the feeling that they aren’t alone. That they are noticed.

3. Volunteer to help people in need

Volunteer to help people in need

Some people in your neighbourhood will never ask for help, even on the brink of death. They aren’t proud or shy.

In fact, they have nothing against you. They are just created that way.

When you find these people, offer to help them. Even when you are incapable, the fact that you offered your help will go a long way in helping them. This will also improve the relationship with them.

4. Donate stuff you don’t need to people in need

Don’t wait till the rice in that bag spoil. You know you have enough to eat for a year. Why don’t you give out every other excess of rice in your store to people in need?

In some places, some people even beg to see something to eat. Giving them food is another charitable way to help people.

Do you have clothes you aren’t wearing? Donate them to people who need them more.

5. Support a charitable movement

Support a charitable movement

Every time you support a charitable movement, you are planting a smile on people’s faces.

In society, today, we have a lot of foundations aiming to improve others’ lives. If you have an interest in health, you can support a health movement. If you are interested in cancer, you’ll be doing a great help to every cancer patient, out there.

6. Smile

Smiling is another charitable way to help people. One thing you don’t realize about smiling is, it is contagious. Every time you smile to someone, the person will have the urge to reciprocate. And, this is a huge way to help people overcome their worries.

7. Use the five magic words often

Do you remember that song you were taught in primary school? Worry not, I’ll remind you. The song goes thus:

There are five magic words that I know. Please, Excuse me, Sorry, Thank you, and, the last one, Pardon me.

There you have them. The five magic words.

These words are called magic words because they work magic.

Do you need something? Don’t be rash. Instead, say, ‘Please.’

Are you in need of a passageway? ‘Excuse me,’ would do the trick.

When you are wrong, do you keep your stance or, better still, say, ‘Sorry.’?

In fact, when someone does something that pleases you, ‘Thank you,’ will be more than enough.

And, the last one? Learn to say ‘Pardon me,’ often.

Although these words are meant to make others feel better about themselves, they also help in boosting a relationship.

8. Share your knowledge

Surely, there’s something you know that others don’t. While a small percentage of these ‘others’ don’t care to know it, the bigger portion of them is striving to acquire this knowledge.

Find these people and share your knowledge with them. This way, you are not only impacting people with your knowledge but, also, creating people who can impact others with their own knowledge.

9. Clean up your own mess

Yes, at work, you have cleaners. At home, you have workers. But, do you know how to make these chores easier for these workers?

Clean up your own mess.

In fact, when you do this, you increase your own self-esteem.

10. Share opportunities with other people

At times, the most charitable way to help people is to provide them with a source of income. When you see a vacant spot, at work, and you know someone who fits into the position, nothing stops you from sharing the opportunity.

So, there you have it.

The ten best charitable ways to help people, and, in return, help yourself. As I leave you, today, I implore you to practice these acts, make a habit out of them and build a better relationship, today.

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